Garmin 935 Is Here!
-Have you been waiting for the new Garmin Forerunner 935 since they first announced a few weeks ago? We are the first shop in Richmond to have them in stock – stop by today to be the first one with one.
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Race Results 4.21-22
-Big weekend of racing for EF athletes at the RTC Sprint Triathlon, White Lake Triathlons, Ironman Texas, HS National Champs, Collegiate National Champs, Rev 3 Adventure Race, VAHS MTB Series, and several local cycling and running events.
Races Are Won In The Details
-I have always been a detailed person. I remember the end of my Junior year of high school, my English teacher returned everyone’s papers from the entire year in one folder…and then brought me three.
Race Day Rentals
-We rent bicycles, race wheels, aero helmets, wetsuits, and bike travel boxes to ensure you have everything you need for success. Whether you are looking for an extra edge on race day, visiting the area and needing a bike, or simply want to try something out before buying, we have rental options. Furthermore, we allow you to put the cost of your first rental towards the purchase of the item.
Stop by or contact us to allow us to make a reservation
Take The First Step
-We live in a world of “can’t.” We perceive our limitations and refuse to break through them – paralyzed by “can’t.” Instead of trying, we decide beforehand we simply “can’t” and never find out. Therefore, we often achieve less than we were designed to.
RTC Sprint Race Strategy
-The RTC Sprint Triathlon is one of the most unique and fun race formats you will do. It begins with an open water pool swim, moving to a flat bike, and finishes with a 2-lap run in front of tons of spectators. Endorphin Fitness will be out in storm with tons of athletes racing – it will be an awesome day.
-We are excited to announce we are now stocking a full assortment of Muc-Off products. Whatever you do, we have everything you need to prepare your bike for the road or trail while keeping your ride looking “factory fresh.” Stop by the store today to get a free demonstration.
-We all workout for different reasons, but I believe one benefit that almost all of us enjoy is peacefulness. I know you might be saying, “Peacefulness is not how I would describe that zone 5 workout I completed yesterday,” but even this contained peace. Peace from the work day, peace from the busyness of life, peace from troubles. Workouts provide us escape, and most of us would be loss without it.
Race Results April 8-9
-Strong races for many Endorphin Fitness athletes this past weekend at XTERRA Costa Rica, VA High School MTB Series, Manassas Runway 10k, Bermuda Continental Cup, Crush’n Run 5k, Early Bird Tri, Chrystal City 5k, Hapalua Half Marathon, several middle / high school track events, and the Healthy Kid’s Run Series.
Race Results: Mar 31 – Apr 1
-Awesome weekend of racing for Endorphin Fitness at the Monument Avenue 10k, I Ride for David TT, Bermuda Road Race, Cherry Blossom 10 Miler, Charlottesville Marathon, Healthy Kids Run Series, and several local track meets.
Archive for April, 2017
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