Our athlete feature this week is Katherine Samsky! Although Katherine’s been with Endorphin for only two months, she’s impressed us with her focus in training. Her results speak for themselves. In her first race since beginning with EF, she placed 3rd overall in the Pleasant’s Landing tri. This weekend, she posted a huge result- 7th overall in the VCU Health 8k!
In many ways, Katherine is a natural athlete. She said that endurance sports were always a natural fit for her because of her pent up energy. Katherine spent a lot of time in high school training for running and track, eventually running track for VCU. She swam competitively in middle and high school and also spent time biking. She was looking for something new to apply her endurance skills to, and didn’t even consider triathlon until her dad said that it seemed like the perfect fit! Despite training for the three events individually since she was 13, she didn’t enter her first triathlon until college. It seemed like a great decision, though, because she placed first in the collegiate division and 7th overall.
Triathlon is a great fit for Katherine, and so is Endorphin Fitness. Ryan’s coaching and training plans have helped Katherine get fast at running again and string together her strengths in individual events into strong triathlon races. Additionally, the group coaching dynamic has been tremendously helpful for her. She said it was difficult to push herself into zone 5 alone, but with a group around her all pushing at these hard goals, it becomes very easy.
Katherine’s advice to beginners is to go into races with excitement and focus. Even if a race doesn’t go perfectly, it can still be a great learning experience.