Our athlete of the week is Susan Alexander! Susan has been training with Endorphin Fitness in some capacity for 10 years, first being introduced to the group in a half marathon training team in 2008 and then joining our adult tri team in 2011. In her time training with us, Susan has impressed us with her diligent and humble attitude towards training and her quickness to point out the strengths of others. She has an overall warm and positive attitude and we’re so glad to be able to work with her!
Susan has been a runner for much of her life, but after some joint pains and a suggestion from her doctor that she give triathlon a shot, she started working at it. Despite the fact that it was daunting and something she’d never heard much about, she started working at it because it was a good way of staying active. Susan quickly realized the myriad of benefits that come with the fitness triathlon provides, including an improvement in the condition of her knee!
Endorphin Fitness has helped Susan be more confident and attentive in other areas of her life. The team is a huge benefit to her as well, encouraging her past where she thought her limits were before. At her first open water swim practice, Susan said that she was amazed by how confident all the other EF athletes were in diving into the water at Pony Pasture and setting off into the James. However, she refused to walk away and with patience and diligent work she has improved her abilities, not only in open water swimming, but in all facets of triathlon. She said that she was amazed by how it all came together- swim, bike, run, and transitions!
Swimming has consistently been a challenging aspect of triathlon training for Susan. However, with these challenges come many triumphant moments of mastering new techniques and seeing improvements in her stroke form and overall swim performance. In fact, Susan is currently training for an Aquabike race in September, foregoing her familiar sport of running entirely for a swim-bike race at Robious Landing!
Despite not racing in any triathlon since 2015, Susan has come back into triathlon with an awesome first place in her AG at the East Coast Triathlon Festival in May! Even though Susan has had some awesome results in her racing career, she mentions that it is important to not compare where you are to other athletes, as each athlete is on their own journey. This mentality is something Susan says the EF coaches has helped her understand, and that in turn has helped her training. She says that beginners to the sport should enjoy the work, and enjoy the community around you as you train!