“We are very happy with Endorphin Fitness! I want to pass on kudos for Andy Welch [EF Store Manager]. As you know, Sally recommended we look into bike shoes for Luke as he moves up into Dane’s group. Luke was VERY hesitant about trying the shoes at the same time he’s joining a group where he’s likely be near the bottom, performance-wise. He did not even want to go to the store to check out the shoes. I had to say we were going to check out shoes, a triathlon suit, etc. Andy was AWESOME. He spent two hours with Luke, trying various shoes, cleats, and pedals to get the right combination for Luke. He made sure Luke was comfortable on a trainer. Then we went outside and tried them in the parking lot. I was very impressed with the service we received. The cost for the shoes and pedals was not insignificant, but the service that came with it made it an overall bargain! Luke said (about Andy), “He was so nice!”. Over the course of the weekend (a week ago), Luke practiced with the bike shoes in the neighborhood. He still didn’t really want to take his first class with Dane’s group with the shoes. Fast forward to this weekend, when we took him out to West Creek, and I think he’ll be ready to give it a try. This is such a huge accomplishment, and I am so proud of my little man.” – Amy Craven [mother of Luke Craven]