This week we are doing something a little different. We have an Athlete Family of the Week! Katie, Jason and Sander are all coached by Endorphin Fitness. Katie has been coached the longest, since 2008 with Michael. Jason worked with EF for about a year and a half and is working with EF again, and their son Sander just recently started working with EF.
Katie has known Michael since she was 23. The main reason she joined EF was because of Michael. He was such a good guy and she really loved the Endorphin Fitness brand focused on Living Red. Katie has been an athlete since she was 4, and Michael is still the best coach she has ever had. Sander has been looking for someone who can give him a training plan that would make him faster efficiently. Jason and Sander are both racing in the Cape Epic and they knew who to reach out to for that training plan.
Katie’s fitness journey began with tennis, eventually playing Division I in college. She enjoyed tennis, but spent much of her experience injured. After college, she wanted to try triathlon and right away she had early success. She was able to go to worlds that year!
Endorphin Fitness has taught the Elliott family to Be More by helping them realize they are capable of more than they ever thought. But not just in fitness. In the bigger picture. The more meaningful picture. Katie reminds all athletes to keep in mind that we are all extremely lucky to be a part of this opportunity. We have a gift to be healthy and able to compete, we should never take it for granted.
Sander Elliott has gotten into many cycling races. He is a part of the National Interscholastic Cycling Association which is gaining traction in North Carolina and Colorado. Sander is now a 17 year old rising senior with a passion for marine biology as well as cycling. When he was just 7 years old, Sander got a scuba license and went diving with Great White sharks! Sander has been looking at schools in California since they combine his two passions- marine biology and cycling. Digging a little deeper into marine biology, Sander is particularly interested in advocacy for sharks
This season has gone really well for Sander, participating in mostly local race series, due to a marine biology trip. He was racing among top senior A men. He got 2nd at the Leadville Stage Race, after sitting in third, he beat the 2nd place by a minute! Sander’s main goal next season is to do well in the mountain bike season. He will be racing varsity this year and plans to continue into college.
So far, Sander’s least favorite race experience was when he got a flat tire on his bike and had to run a mile with his bike! But it got better, when he was able to race in Leadville Race Series among top people.
The Elliott family loves triathlon because of three different sports, but also the great community of people. Triathlon allows them to put all their motivation and energy into going faster and being successful. Katie says that tennis really helped her mentally prepare for endurance sports through grit and hard work.
The Elliott family reminds beginners to enjoy the process! You only get to do it once. It’s fun to be new and learning something. Enjoy it.