We show up for a workout making sure we have everything we need for success: latest technology, proper clothing, the lightest/fastest shoes, the perfect nutrition, and anything else to give us that edge. Regrettably, we often ignore the most important thing of all – a winning mindset.
Right now is the toughest time of the year to train. Without a race in the near future to motivate us, we are inclined to sleep in or slack a bit mid-workout thinking we have plenty of time to get ready. It does not help that it is also cold and dark. Unfortunately, this is the part of the year when the largest fitness gains are made with the freedom to put in hard work without the need to taper for races. We must capitalize on this opportunity!
To capitalize on this, we must have the right mindset. You can probably point to specific workouts where you had this mindset and the results were phenomenal. You can probably also point to workouts that were quite the opposite due to how you approached it mentally. The mind is the “IT” factor – tap into it consistently, and you WILL improve, probably more than you could dream.
This week’s athlete of the week – Sarah Ruotolo (read about below) – tapped into this last week. She was willing to allow her mind to go to a place that she had not been before and begged for her body to follow. It did and the results were amazing. Now, I challenge you to do the same.
Be More. Live Red.
Michael Harlow
EF Founder & Head Coach