Last weekend, we lost a fellow athlete at the Robious Landing Triathlon. A devoted husband, loving father, and athlete seeking to better himself, Quy Pham will be missed.
As athletes standing on the edge of the water for our next open water swim, how do we process this loss? First off, we recognize how fortunate we are to have another day to enjoy life and sport. Life here on earth is precious yet temporary, and we should live each day in recognition of this. I hope Sunday made you hug your loved ones a bit longer and seek more life within each day we are given. I know for me personally, the remainder of my race on Sunday was graced with gratitude and a desire to get the most out of the day upon me.
With that said, it is normal for fear to be present as we dive back in the water, pedal down the road, or even drive to practice. It has certainly made me pay closer attention to my personal safety and keep an even closer eye on my athletes in the water. We cannot let this fear cripple us though. Fear will remain until we press into it – exposing ourselves to the very thing we fear. Again, life is temporary and there are no certainties so don’t allow one tragedy to keep you from living life to the fullest. Do everything you can to increase safety for yourself but keep swimming, cycling, and running forward.
I write this with the greatest sympathy for the Pham family. They have been in my prayers since Sunday. To support them, please consider donating to the Pham Family Go Fund Me Page. Thank you to all who have already given when we posted the request this previous week.