Dan Empfield, founder of Slowtwitch, recently wrote an article series on the most important elements of athletic success. In this, he listed training partners as #2 and stated, “The power of the group is huge, and not because I say it or think it, but because it’s plainly evident that it’s how most of the world’s best athletes got to be good, and remain good.”
At Endorphin Fitness, we value the group and have from the beginning. If you are fortunate to live in one of our locations, you have the team pushing you daily. If you are out of town, you have a teammate in your coach and hope you feel the presence of the team every workout knowing that you will soon be racing alongside team at one of our team races.
We believe that the team makes you better. We believe that the team gets you out of bed, that the team pushes you to complete one more rep, that the team keeps you going in that tough race, and that the team makes it all worthwhile.
Much of our success in developing athletes is because of the team. We pride ourselves on being expert coaches, but our secret sauce is the team. You are what makes Endorphin Fitness special. And for this, I am forever thankful.
We now celebrate what we did as a team this past year. Together, we achieved a world championship title, a team national title, 7 individual national championship titles, 3 Kona slots, and countless personal records. More importantly, we guided tons of athletes to their first finish line and taught each of you that you are capable of more than you thought possible. Also, together we raised tremendous funds for worthy causes such as the VA Home for Boys & Girls, United Athletics, The Speak Up Foundation, and others. 2017 has been impactful.
We also celebrate some individual team members that accomplished some great things this year. Last weekend, we awarded 3 categories which have been recognized the past 13 years at our annual banquet – the most improved award, the breakthrough award, and the live red award. Additionally, we honored a coach’s award for each EF location. See all the recipients >>