Gwen Jorgensen's Move To The Marathon
Recently, 2016 Olympic triathlon champion Gwen Jorgensen announced that she would not be returning to triathlon post pregnancy but instead pursuing the 2020 Olympic marathon team. Knowing my affinity for triathlon, you might assume I am quite disappointed, but this is not the case. I will share my thoughts here as I believe it makes some important points.
At Endorphin Fitness, we are fans of multisport, not triathlon exclusively. There is great value in training more than one sport, even if your racing is singularly focused. We love single sports but believe in cross training (including strength training). Without cross training, we believe single sport athletes will fail to reach their potential. Our coaches are skilled in training the whole athlete, no matter their goal, because our expertise extends beyond just one sport. This is why top runners come to us for coaching.
Gwen’s decision and eventual running success will confirm what high school XC results keep confirming. Every year, some of the best high school runners across the country are
There is another reason why I support Gwen’s decision, and that is because it was her decision. She had the world but is risking it all to accept another challenge. When most would hold onto the safe, she is taking a chance despite tons of outside pressure. Impressive and something that we all can inspire to.
So, I wish you the best of luck Gwen and will be rooting for you.