How Much Do You Want It?
While home on his family farm in South Africa but still needing to train, seven-time world champion Conrad Stoltz built his own pool (or better yet trench) by himself. It wasn’t fit for a king such as Conrad, but it was what was needed to get in his training. Conrad was not going to allow a little thing like no pool to get in the way of him earning another world championship, so he found a way. I remind myself of this story often when excuses arise.
How much do you want it?
It is easy to throw in the towel when issues arise to make training less than ideal: Garmin is dead, pool is closed, forgot your gloves, or weather forced you inside to the “dreadmill” to name a few. The most successful among us find a way despite these issues. It oftentimes takes some creative thinking but there is usually a way.
How much do you want it?
I have found that some of my best workouts were some of my most creative, make-do- at-all- costs workouts. When we really must fight for something, it tends to impact us most. We then learn to rely on these experiences in races when the less-than- ideal occurs. You see, racing is about problem solving at a fast pace. To be successful, you must deal with less-than- ideal situations throughout a race, and those who are the most determined in these situations usually come out in front. So, next time you run into a problem, ask yourself…
How much do you want it?