There is something about that feeling. Something freeing, something that erases worries and stress, something addictive. There is something about that feeling during a workout.
We have all had periods where getting out the door to workout was not easy. We did not want the effort – and sometimes the pain. Maybe the stress and busyness of life was too much to even consider fitting it in. Maybe you found yourself in a plateau and you wondered if it was worth it. Then we step out the door, and there is something about that feeling.
I love that feeling – of accomplishment, of fitness, or life. At the core of it, this is what has kept me stepping out the door for the past 25 years – I cannot imagine not having that feeling. Yes, the races drive me but that feeling is what keeps me going no matter what.
If you are struggling with motivation, I encourage you to focus on that feeling – why it means something to you. Then, step out the door.
Be More. Live Red.
Michael Harlow
EF Founder & Head Coach