I am a coach. I believe God gifted me with specific talents and this purpose in mind: to coach. I was meant to guide, to educate, to support, and to inspire. Luckily, I was also given a passion through which I can use my talents. Triathlon is my passion, but I am a coach first. Coaching supersedes the sport in which we coach…coaching impacts lives. At the heart, I am a coach with a mission to transform lives and triathlon is my vehicle by which to do this.
At Endorphin Fitness, we are all coaches. From our Bike & Tri Shop coaches to our many swim, bike, run, strength coaches, we all have this innate attribute, regardless of our role here. We all want to guide, educate, support, and inspire others. This is why we all have coach on our staff shirts. Whether showing someone a product that will make them faster, teaching someone how to adjust their gears, or pushing someone to be their best in a workout, we are all coaching.
I don’t believe every coach is a coach in the sense we are using here. Not every coach has the ability to fully utilize the role they have been given. You don’t work for Endorphin Fitness unless you do. It is a special attribute that we all have in common. Coaching is what we do.
Be More. Live Red.
Michael Harlow
EF Founder & Head Coach