I always find it interesting how the weeks I am able to finish everything are often the weeks I have the most to do. On other weeks, I look at the to-do list and think this will be easy to accomplish but somehow don’t complete it all. I think there is a lot of psychology here.
We are the most productive when we have the most to do. We prioritize, take less breaks, and hunker down because, well, we have to. On weeks when the load is less, we do the opposite and find at the end of the week we accomplished less. It is mental…as are most things in life.
I am often asked by my athletes how I stay afloat with a family of 8, growing business, church responsibilities, and training. Well, the answer starts by embracing that busyness does not prevent one from getting things done, the mind does. Our busiest weeks when we seem to get everything done are reminders that we are capable of more. Just like most things in life, we will rise to wherever the bar is set. Set your bar high!
This applies to workouts. Yes, you can fit your workouts in, even amidst the busiest of weeks. And yes, it will make you more productive in the other areas of your life. You will accomplish more each day by carving out time for your workout. Not to mention the psychological benefits of working out, making time for your workouts will force you to cut out the fat of your day. You have to prioritize it though. Treat your workouts like an appointment each day you cannot miss. Put it in your schedule and make yourself show up – just watch what it does for the remainder of your week.