There are many triathlon coaches but few triathlon coaching groups. I am fortunate and continually humbled to coach alongside some of the most talented coaches in the business. Together, we are a team – not one coach alone on an island but rather a team of coaches challenging each other to be the best we can. I have personally learned from every one of our coaches and consider myself blessed to have them part of Endorphin Fitness.
We hire great coaches and partner with them to make them the best coaches. Coaches often join Endorphin Fitness with a track record of coaching success and an impressive education. Most of our coaches have exercise physiology degrees, many at the graduate level. Additionally, almost all have coached a variety of athletes with great success. We then provide them four things that create a platform for making their athletes even more successful:
- Training. All of our coaches must complete the EF Online Coaching Academy before coaching with Endorphin Fitness. This academy takes new coaches through every aspect of coaching an athlete successfully including a review of physiology; an exploration of a variety of training philosophies; swim, bike, run, and transition technique principles; swim, bike, and run training protocols; bike fitting and basic mechanics; nutrition principles; race day execution; and more. As part of the academy, coaches must complete a variety of exercises that test them on their knowledge and implementation of the information presented while also challenging them to think freely. Once their online training is complete, all coaches begin in-person training which is comprised of three parts: being coached, coaching with a shadow, and finally coaching solo. Our entire team contributes at this level to ensure our new team member is fully supported and ready.
- Data. We provide our coaches the data from coaching over a thousand athletes successfully to their goals. This includes pure beginners, world champions, and everything in between. It also includes pure beginners who have become champions. Simply put, we know what works for every variety of athlete out there so our coaches can coach with confidence. Our athletes don’t need to be our test subjects – we know how to reach goals.
- Systems. Our coaching systems enable our coaches to deliver their expertise in a consistent, manageable way. We have learned over the years what our athletes desire / need to be successful and have built our systems accordingly. This enables our athletes to be able to rely on a consistent coaching experience every day with every single one of our coaches.
- Support. Nothing can replace having a group of coaches to bounce ideas off. We are a team and support each other in every way possible from knowledge sharing to workout development to emotional support. You simply won’t find this elsewhere.
I think it is important to know that you are being coached by a team comprised of some of the top coaches anywhere. You are coached by coaches Kyle Pawlaczyk, Parker Spencer, Ryan Middleton, Dane King, Sally Fraser, Kate Fisher, Erin Horil, Andrew Callihan, Trey McKinnon, Kevin Mallon, Kim Frost, Ryan Frost, Anne Sheehy, Maggie Christie, John Kilmartin, Margaret Rechel, Brian Brown, Emily Bashton, Dylan Keightley, and our entire staff at Endorphin Fitness. We all have your back, and we are all rooting for you.