Goals Matter
For many, triathlons seems like some impossible feat that only the top 1% of incredibly fit people attempt. This notion has been fueled by the Hawaii Ironman being the only triathlon that enters mainstream television every year.
The truth is that triathlon is enjoyed by all types of fitness levels and across all ages from 5 to 90. Additionally, triathlon is highly accessible with a race almost every single weekend during the season in most states across the country, some year-round. With multiple distances starting with the super sprint distance of 375 meter swim, 6 mile bike, and 1.5 mile run, triathlon is not some impossible feat but rather a very approachable challenge with great rewards on the other end.
At its core, triathlon as a better way to get or stay in shape. I would not last going to the gym with no end goal. I am fueled by knowing that I have a competition in 30 days that I must prepare for….that on this date, I need to be at my best. Though I appreciate competing against others, what drives me is knowing that on that date, I will be competing against myself for a new level of fitness / speed. This makes fitness more fun and drives me and others to fitness levels we could not achieve otherwise.
Take a moment and watch PJ Gallagher’s Story of how he used triathlon to change a lifestyle. Then, start your triathlon story today.