Get excited….it’s almost time.
For many out there, you have been recovering from a hard fought season of training. This is necessary to prepare for what is ahead. With every passing day, you have found your urge to get back to training swell like a tiger pacing within a cage getting hungrier and hungrier with each day. We want to stay there in that cage until the perfect moment when you cannot take it any longer – when the hunger is just so great that nothing can stand in your way of the goal: the prey.
It is almost time. It is almost time to open the cage and release the animal who will devour workouts in route to your best season yet. Your vision should be sharpening now, the goal clear, and your resolve becoming higher than ever. It is almost time to unload all of that energy into workouts that you have never hit before. It is almost time.
For many, you may have already been released if your season ended early this year. Keep going after those workouts with the goals – the dreams – of next year close to mind. Take a step towards these goals today but also remember to come back to the cage from time to time and re-build the hunger. Always, keep the hunger.
When you are ready to emerge from the cage or if you already have, give us a call. If you are local, our group programs have the perfect mix of swim, bike, run, and strength workouts designed for you to focus on your weaknesses under the guidance of expert coaches. If you are not near one of our locations, we have online personal coaching options for athletes around the world. We would love to partner with you to make next season your best yet.