Scott Vanwagner originally came to Endorphin Fitness after his wife encouraged him to find his “tribe” and train with like-minded people. Since doing so, he has loved the encouraging team atmosphere which has empowered him to complete big goals like finishing his first Ironman. Read Scott’s story in his own words below…
Tell us about your journey to endurance sports. How did you get started?
It started with friends asking me to do a sprint triathlon with them. I had completed 3 marathons and was looking for something new.
When was your first race? Tell us about it.
My first tri was a local sprint 5 years ago. Despite making every mistake that first race, like seeding myself too fast in the swim, taking my time in each transition by sitting on bucket to change clothes, and not being able to unclip on the bike, I was hooked and could not wait for my next one.
What is your greatest accomplishment in the sport?
Completing my first Ironman was my greatest accomplishment. To be able to hear Mike Reilly say those magic words and give him a hi five after taking on the hardest thing I have ever set out to do mentally, physically, and emotionally was amazing.
What is your biggest goal right now?
Working with coach Ryan on breaking the 6-hour mark in the 70.3 distance.
What motivates you?
I love to set a goal, sign up for a race and work the plan to accomplish what I set out to do.
Outside of training and racing, what are other important things in your life?
My wife Angela and our dogs Gabe and new puppy Gracie.
How has training and racing impacted the rest of your life?
I use that same mentality and approach to racing to all other goals in life.
Why did you choose to train with Endorphin Fitness?
I had trained basically solo for most of my early races. It gets lonely on those long bike rides. My wife Angela encouraged me to find my “tribe” so I could be encouraged and train with like-minded people.
What do you love most about training with Endorphin Fitness?
The team atmosphere is the best part of endorphin. You can’t put a price on being around like-minded, motivated, and most importantly encouraging people all with the same end goal and supporting each other the entire way.
Anything you would like to add?
Coach Ryan has the magic touch of knowing how to push me well beyond my comfort zone and keep encouraging me. We have made great strides. 2020 is the year to do it!